I'd like to recommend the following dishes I love the most:
Ceviche is raw fish that is served in a mixture of lime juice, red onion and hot pepper.
It can be served as a main dish or as an entree.
It is one of the most popular dishes in Peru, which can cause instant obsession.
It can be served as a main dish or as an entree.
It is one of the most popular dishes in Peru, which can cause instant obsession.
Papa a la Huancaina is usually served as a side dish but is one of the more popular dishes among
Peruvians. This dish consists of boiled potatoes cut up, boiled eggs,
black olives and all topped off with a creamy yellow sauce that is made from cheese,
yellow spice, and milk and saltine crackers.
Peruvians. This dish consists of boiled potatoes cut up, boiled eggs,
black olives and all topped off with a creamy yellow sauce that is made from cheese,
yellow spice, and milk and saltine crackers.
Lomo saltado consists of thick cut strips of beef, onions, tomatoes and hot peppers.
All are fried together and served with rice and French fries.
This makes a great dish of flavor and when topped with a bit of Peruvian hot sauce
and mayonnaise the taste is even better. An amazing dish!
All are fried together and served with rice and French fries.
This makes a great dish of flavor and when topped with a bit of Peruvian hot sauce
and mayonnaise the taste is even better. An amazing dish!
This dish is slightly different as it is more commonly served on the streets,
but it is still one of the more delicious foods to try. Anticuchos are skewers of beef
served with potato, onion and tomato. The beef is cooked slowly over burning coals.
but it is still one of the more delicious foods to try. Anticuchos are skewers of beef
served with potato, onion and tomato. The beef is cooked slowly over burning coals.
The cookie of South America. Alfajores come in all sorts of varieties,
but they basically consist of dulce de leche (caramel) sandwiched between two thin cookies,
often covered with powdered sugar or coconut flakes.
but they basically consist of dulce de leche (caramel) sandwiched between two thin cookies,
often covered with powdered sugar or coconut flakes.
CHICHA MORADA – Typical Peruvian Drink
Is a non-alcoholic drink made from purple corn.
It’s sweet and served cold. You can try it with a squeeze of lime juice to make it even better.
It’s sweet and served cold. You can try it with a squeeze of lime juice to make it even better.
Peru is famous for its cuisine and is still becoming more popular.
With these different dishes you cannot go wrong when it comes to trying the Peruvian kitchen.
These types of foods demonstrate the different styles and flavors that are served in Peru!
Makes me want to go back and have them all!
With these different dishes you cannot go wrong when it comes to trying the Peruvian kitchen.
These types of foods demonstrate the different styles and flavors that are served in Peru!
Makes me want to go back and have them all!
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